The Wimbledon Club: 020 8879 3608  |  Hinchley Wood: 020 8398 5588

Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Women’s Health physiotherapy is a specialist treatment provided at Physiocentric.   Women’s health  and personal problems are often regarded as too taboo be discussed. With this in mind our specialist women’s health physiotherapist, Jo Fordyce can assist in such matters.  Patients often think that surgery is the only option available.  Patient’s  concerns are openly discussed during the first consultation at Physiocentric. As a result, patients can be safe in the knowledge they will be treated sensitively and with empathy.  One in three women have women’s health problems in their lifetime.

Women’s Health Problems

Treatments can help the following;

  • Stress Urinary Incontinence (leaking with coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercising)
  • Urinary urgency, frequency, urge incontinence (not making it to the toilet on time)
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Post-natal pelvic flood muscle weakness including 3rd and 4th degree perineal tears
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain with sexual activity
  • Bowel problems (including leakage)
  •  Pre/post-operative treatment following gynaecological surgery

Patients of all age groups (children as well as older generations) experience women’s health issues. Similarly men have health issues such as  pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, bladder and bowel problems. For this reason men attend Physiocentric to discuss and receive treatment from our specialist physiotherapist.

Our specialist physiotherapist takes a full verbal history of the patient’s problems at the initial assessment. To assess the pelvic floor muscle ability, patients may receive an internal examination at their first appointment. Subsequently, treatment programmes are devised and tailored  to suit individual needs.

Treatment can comprise of:

  • Patient specific pelvic floor muscle training plan
  • EMG biofeedback, electrical stimulation, cones
  • Manual Therapy
  • Bladder retraining, fluid management diary for urinary urge / frequency
  • Bladder and bowel management, including continence aids
  • Pilates

During pregnancy treament  may also be given. Consequently, following child birth, our Women’s health specialist advises post-natal checks to ensure all is well.

Post-natal check-ups for new mums:

  • Individual abdominal muscle check for Diastasis Recti (separation of stomach muscles) and post-natal exercise programme
  • Pelvic floor muscle assessment
  • Return to exercise in the childbearing year using core stability, Pilates, general exercise
  • Ergonomic advice / education regarding posture, daily activities with baby
  • Relaxation strategies

Multidisciplinary approach

Physiocentric’s musculo-skeletal/acupuncture/Pilates physiotherapists liase with our women’s health specialist to provide combined treatments. Frequently patients have associated back pain or other joint problems  as well as their women’s health issues and require manual, exercise and/or acupuncture treatments. For this reason co-ordinated care is paramount at Physiocentric.

Referral is made via self-referral, GP, Consultant or allied health professions. For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us at or call 020 8879 3608.

The Mummy MoT